Monday, September 1, 2008

Mimi (and girls) big adventure (part 1)

First a little history. Sault Sainte Marie, Michigan is just about my favorite place on the whole earth. Not that I have traveled the whole earth because I haven't even traveled my own country let alone the whole earth.

Every labor day weekend for the past 29 years my extended family has migrated north to Sault Sainte Marie, henceforth referred to as the Soo. This Labor day weekend was a little different. Oh don't worry we still traveled north to the Soo, but.....

The trip was going to be made by myself and my two wonderfully adventurous daughters. They may not have know that they were wonderfully adventurous when we started out. However they know now without question that they are wonderfully adventurous.

Now if you have ever been on a road trip there are certain essentials that you need. Pringles, chips ahoy, bottled water, Pepsi (I think you get the idea). So off to Wal-mart we go the day before the scheduled departure.

My beautiful youngest daughter mentions that she needs to use the rest room. When she returns to me she tells me again that there has been some discomfort when (you know ---shh - whispers) going.

I am in quite a quandary because we have planned to leave at 7:00 a.m. the next morning and I don't want her to not feel well while are gone and I am having major guilt cramps because she has complained about this for a couple of weeks and I have not reacted to it (I know bad Mom).

So I call her ever so supportive Dad and ask if he could call the doctors office and try to get her an appointment, because I didn't have the number and I was out and if they could get her right in I could take her right over because I have all of a sudden become a great mom and would do that for my second born child. So she could get in to the doctor that afternoon.

Hooray, she can get in and we have time to go home and clean up a little so the doctor doesn't think I am a totally negligent mom (remember we are going out of town and all of our good clothes are packed).

There we are at the doctors office and the very nice nurse and very nice doctor were treating her very respectfully and understanding what a girl of her age must be going through and asked her for a (don't read out loud) urine sample. Well my sweet little baby gets shy bladder and can't go. So we (her and I, because doctors and nurses are way to busy to worry about sbs (shy bladder syndrome)) run water, then we put her hands in cold water and dance around the bathroom and drink two juice boxes, you know the routine. Well she just couldn't go and the harder she tried to go the more anxious she was getting the more it just was not going to work so the doctor told us that we could take the bottle home and she could "collect the sample" at home and we could bring it in in the morning.

We knew that would put us way behind schedule . But what choice did we have?

So we took the bottle home - collected the sample and the first leg of our big labor day adventure was stopping at the doctors office to drop off an urine sample.

To be continued....................

1 comment:

Max and Deborah said...

How long till the next part is finished? I hope all is okay for our cute Kenzi!!