Thursday, July 31, 2008

I came first!!

I was a priority - truly first on Thursday July 31, 2008.

Okay, maybe that doesn't seem like such a big deal to you but to me it is huge.

Yesterday morning I got up, made coffee and attempted to get ready for work. I started to get into the shower and was surprised to find the water was cold. So I quickly wet my hair down in the very cold water and did what I could to be presentable at work.

Then I went downstairs to find the pilot on my water heater was out, again. This had happened several times in the past and I knew that I would need someone to relight the pilot light on my water heater. You see it goes out a couple times a year and when that happened it would just get relit and we would be on our merry warm water way.

Over the course of the last few months I have been chastized several times for not calling *** when I have a need or something goes awry. So I asked if he could relight it? (just before I stole his sons almost monster truck (we will talk about that in another blog entry)) Of course he would help, however, he was on his way to take care of some business right then but he would take care of it later. That wasn't a problem, I was already at work and stinky, but my head had warmed up by then and besides I was on my way to drive a almost stolen almost monster truck.

So when I talked to him later in the day it had slipped his mind (must of been some important business he had to take care of), I was a little disappointed that I had been forgotten but nothing worth mentioning, besides I wanted some hot water.

Jump forward about 5 hours and there he was laying all studly like on my basement floor lighting my pilot light. So pilot light lit - "you should be all set lady". So, thank you and talk to you later........ and off he goes to take care of some more business.

Again jump forward about 50 minutes and standing in the shower, knowing that it will now be warm and I will be clean and all will be right in the world, except the water never got hot, or warm or even past chill. Ugh - downstairs I go and the pilot light is out - darn pilot light - I think maybe a mouse is blowing it out.

Again jump forward about 2 hours......ring, ring - "hello"... "how was your shower?" I explained that I didn't get a shower because of that pesky mouse - he surmised that it probably wasn't a mouse and probably a part called a thermocouple (at least that is how it was spelled when I looked it up on the internet) and he would be over some time tomorrow to look at it. He had some more business to take care of first thing in the morning, but, would call sometime tomorrow and come to look at it and fix it. Okay, sleep well, Goodnight, what, Goodnight.

So this morning the phone rings and guess what he is on his way to fix my water heater - He hadn't taken his hot shower yet and I was sure that it was to show me how much he supported my plight. (However, he did before he got here - so there goes the support theory) Seriously he was coming to fix my water heater then, not later after business was taken care of, then, right then.

Not only did he come over and look at it again - he had to go to the hardware store to get the aforementioned thermocouple and he was going to take me with him, looking and smelling like I did, seriously I believe he was.

I also must confess that in the realm of our relationship I have often mentioned that I feel like second shift or accuse him of not being as into me as he claims.

But this morning I came first!!!!

Thursday, July 17, 2008

Where will you be?

The subject of a blog I was reading the other day asked, if the author was where she thought she would be 10 years ago. That inspired me to start thinking about where I was 10 years ago and where I thought I would be today.

Well almost 10 years ago I was probably at the bottom of the barrel. I was suffering from a deep depression and thought it was very possible that I wouldn't get out of bed again. So to even think 10 hours ahead of the current time wasn't easy let alone 10 years. There was a time that I couldn't leave my house or drive anywhere alone and was completely dependant on my husband, family and friends. I know that there are people that deal with this for years and some their whole lives, so, I count myself very blessed to be able to say that the worst part was only a short time, however, I still have "after shocks". One of the things that happened to me was a panic attack on a busy road while I was driving alone. After that panic attack I couldn't drive alone for what seemed like a very very long time and even thinking about driving down that road could bring on unwelcome palpitations.

So now that you know where I was 10 years ago, jump forward to now. I am in a place that I never ever imagined. In the past 18 months I have separated from my husband, lived through a tornado, gotten a tattoo, driven down that very busy road almost alone, fixed my roof, quit smoking and that is just off the top of my head.

Looking forward I can't even imagine where I could be in 10 years the possibilities are endless and I haven't felt this optimism since I was a young girl looking forward.