Thursday, July 17, 2008

Where will you be?

The subject of a blog I was reading the other day asked, if the author was where she thought she would be 10 years ago. That inspired me to start thinking about where I was 10 years ago and where I thought I would be today.

Well almost 10 years ago I was probably at the bottom of the barrel. I was suffering from a deep depression and thought it was very possible that I wouldn't get out of bed again. So to even think 10 hours ahead of the current time wasn't easy let alone 10 years. There was a time that I couldn't leave my house or drive anywhere alone and was completely dependant on my husband, family and friends. I know that there are people that deal with this for years and some their whole lives, so, I count myself very blessed to be able to say that the worst part was only a short time, however, I still have "after shocks". One of the things that happened to me was a panic attack on a busy road while I was driving alone. After that panic attack I couldn't drive alone for what seemed like a very very long time and even thinking about driving down that road could bring on unwelcome palpitations.

So now that you know where I was 10 years ago, jump forward to now. I am in a place that I never ever imagined. In the past 18 months I have separated from my husband, lived through a tornado, gotten a tattoo, driven down that very busy road almost alone, fixed my roof, quit smoking and that is just off the top of my head.

Looking forward I can't even imagine where I could be in 10 years the possibilities are endless and I haven't felt this optimism since I was a young girl looking forward.


Max and Deborah said...

10 years ago I was living in VA and just started talking to a strange guy on the internet that lived in MI and could possibly be a serial killer. I was a little bitter about the opposite sex and dating thing and thought that my dream of getting married was no where in my future. Sure enough that serial killer ended up being an amazing guy that I fell in love with and swept me off my feet. Jumping forward 10 years now married with 2 girls. Now where will I be in 10 years from now.... hopefully rock'in in a different house, hopefully a different city if not different state. With my masters in DH teaching at a university. Who knows..... what the future holds.

Me said...

I hope I will be as far away from F****** Lorain as possible. Just a thought!!!