Sunday, March 16, 2008

Kids make you a liar

One thing that I have learned over they years of being a mother is that having kids automatically makes you a liar. When Kirsten was a baby, My mom asked when did she start sitting up? I said that she couldn't sit up. Mom said look - Kirsten was definitely sitting up!!!!

Skip forward 14 years. "I will not buy my kids cell phones" - my children are now very happy owners of cell phones. Yep that is right - I lied again. Both of them have cell phones. Now I must clarify this situation. Both of them had purchased with their own money tracfones. At the time I thought what a waste of money, however, they were both very responsible with their minutes and phones and I soon found out how convenient it was for them to have their own phones. If we were at a school function, shopping, even if they were down at the lake, I didn't have to search for them, I just had to call them. So now they are each on a parents plan and don't have to watch their minutes so closely.

Wonder what I will lie about next!!!!!!

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